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Campers learning at Evanston Safety Town

The schedule for the topics varies with the availability of representatives of the Fire and Police Departments, a bike shop owner and a therapy/service dog. Some activities are weather dependent. Two days notice will be given before bicycle safety day so that bikes and helmets can be brought to camp. The bike shop owners will help fit the helmets correctly. 


CROSSING THE STREET          Memory Book Project: Stop sign (ALWAYS THE FIRST DAY)

  1. Learn name, address, phone number.                                                                          

  2. Walking on sidewalks and crossing the street at crosswalks.                                

  3. Stop before entering a crosswalk.

  4. Look 1 – 2 – 3   (left, right, left again over shoulder).

  5. Listen for the sounds of cars, sirens, etc.

  6. Walk across street quickly; no running or stopping in the middle of the street; no playing in the street.

  7. Always stay within the two crosswalk white lines.

  8. Vocabulary:  “Pedestrian” and “Crosswalk.”

  9. You have the right of way to cross a street. Cars must stop to let your cross.  It is important to make eye contact with the driver and cross slowly and carefully.


PEDESTRIAN/MOTORIST SAFETY          Speaker: Police Department Representative

Includes practicing crossing streets at lights & stop signs; safety at the curb.

  1. Meaning of the colors of traffic lights.

  2. Look before crossing: 1 – 2 – 3 (left, right, left again over shoulder).                           

  3. Wait for cars to stop (drivers sometimes don’t; may not see pedestrians).

  4. Do not run or stop in the middle of the street.                               

  5. Cross in the crosswalk only.

  6. Curb safety:  don’t run out between parked cars.

  7. Don’t dart into street without looking.

  8. Watch when crossing driveways, either when walking or on a bike.

  9. Don’t play near the street. Don’t chase a ball into the street.


MOTORIST SAFETY                                       

Campers act as motorists in “cars” on the Safety Town outdoors

  1. Drive on the right side of the road.

  2. Fasten all seat belts while riding in a car.

  3. Drivers sit safely:  feet near the pedals, using both hands (10 and 2 o’clock).   

  4. Stop at stop signs; look both ways for pedestrians, then go.

  5. No speeding, bumping, or pushing.

  6. Discussion of signs: stop signs, railroad and school crossings, traffic lights, do not enter, and one-way streets.

  7. Always stop for pedestrians. They have the right of way in Illinois. You must allow them to cross the street.


BUS SAFETY          Project: Yellow school bus

  1. Getting on the bus:  line up, one at a time, no pushing, hold on to the bar.

  2. Riding the bus:  sit back in the seat, buckle up.

    1. Be the bus driver’s friend by following directions.

    2. Use your “inside” voice, talking quietly.

    3. Keep the aisle clear; keep hands and head inside the bus.

  3. Leaving the bus; no pushing.

    1. First row leaves, then second, etc.

    2. One person at a time gets off. Hold on to the bar.


STRANGER? DANGER          Project: Stick Puppets

  1. Discussion of who is a stranger, who is not. How you can tell for yourself.

  2. Don't talk to strangers.

  3. Don't take anything from a stranger.

  4. Don't go anywhere with a stranger.

  5. Stay near home; play with a friend.

  6. Be home before dark.

  7. Tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or if a stranger approaches you.

  8. If a stranger grabs you, kick and yell as loud as you can and run away.


GOOD TOUCH/BAD TOUCH           Project: (shield) “I own my own body.”

   1. You own your own body. No one should touch you if you don't want to be touched.

   2. Tell an adult or teacher if someone touches you and you are uncomfortable.

   3. Tell an adult or teacher if you are asked to keep a secret after being touched.


FIRST AID, SEAT BELTS, 911          Project:  Doctor Kit

  1. If someone needs help, is hurt or can’t get up, get an adult. Call 911.          

  2. Wash a wound with soap and water before applying a bandage.

  3. In there's bleeding, press a clean towel against wound to stop it.

  4. Apply ice wrapped in a towel to bumps.



  1. Seat belts: make them a habit; wearing them is the law in Illinois. 

  2. “Listen for the click.”

  3. What they do for you in an accident.                                                       

  4. Remind parents and drivers and other passengers to buckle up.

  5. Talk quietly in a car and keep your hands to yourself.



  1. When to call 911:  If someone is very sick, bleeding or unconscious; in case or a fire or an accident.

  2. You will be asked to give your name, the address, and the phone number.

  3. How to use 911:  dialing, giving information, how to explain what is wrong.


POISON PREVENTION & HOME SAFETY           Project:  NoSiop Snake

  1. Medicine should be taken only with adult supervision.       

  2. Use and storage of cleaning supplies, paint, bleach, etc. 

  3. Dangers of plastic bags, houseplants, some toys with small parts.        

  4. Dangers of empty refrigerators.                                                 

  5. Choking signal (putting hands around throat).

  6. Don’t put anything in your mouth except food.

  7. Heimlich Maneuver demonstration.


FIRE PREVENTION          Project: Contract: "I will not play with matches."

The Evanston Fire Department personnel visit to talk about hazards and precautions, with emphasis on kitchens.


Contract: "My hands will never play with matches.”

  1. Never play with matches or lighters.

  2. Don’t play with electrical cords or light sockets.  Watch younger brothers and sisters and friends.

  3. Don’t play near a kitchen stove, fireplace or a wood burning stove.

  4. Tell an adult if you see someone playing with dangerous materials.

  5. Be careful around campfires, fireplaces, candles, and oil lamps.


What to do in a fire                                                                                    

  1. Get out of the building as quickly as possible! Either walk out or crawl. Don’t stop to get anything!

  2. Don’t go back in!

  3. Sleep with bedroom door closed.  If you smell smoke, feel the door before opening. If the door feels hot, do not open it.  Go to a window.          

  4. Do not hide under the bed or in a closet.                                               

  5. Stop, drop and roll if your clothing catches on fire.         


Repeat 911 information from first day

In case of fire, do not dial 911 from your home. Get out of the house and go to a neighbor’s house to call.


PLAYGROUND SAFETY          Project:  Memory book pictures

  1. Discussion of playground equipment: swings, slides, jungle gyms, bars, merry-go-rounds, seesaws.

  2. Safety rules and courtesy to other children.                                        

  3. Always know where your hands and feet are.

  4. Don’t crowd or bump into others on the equipment.


PET SAFETY          Project: Happy the Dog       Speaker: Owner of therapy/service dog

1. Always ask the owner for permission to approach an animal who doesn’t know you.              The dog may be afraid of you.

2.Let a dog smell the back of your hand before you try to pet it.                  

3. Let a cat smell your hand before you try to pet it or pick it up. Pick up the hind feet also.

4. Rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters may bite if frightened by you. Ask the owner first.


BICYCLE SAFETY          Project: Bring bikes & helmets       Speaker: Bike store representative

  1. Wear a helmet that fits. Be sure your forehead is protected by the helmet. Don’t wear it like a cap or bonnet.

  2. Ride a bicycle on the right side of the street moving with traffic in single file.  Walk bicycle across at intersections like cross streets, alleys and corners.

  3. Ride a bicycle that fits you (not too big).                                                

  4. Take proper care of the bicycle.  Check tires, brakes, seat, handlebars.              

  5. Keep bicycle in a safe place. When it’s not in use, lock it.                  

  6. Use your bell to alert walkers. Walkers always have the right of way.

  7. State law requires a light in front, a bell and reflectors in back.

  8. In most areas, it is illegal to ride your bike on a sidewalk. Pedestrians have been injured. Know the law.

  9. Demonstration of hand signals for turning, stopping.

  10. Keep pant legs out of the way of the chain.

  11. Don't speed. You should always be able to stop quickly.

  12. On a busy street, watch car doors and drivers so a door is not opened in front of you.  Watch driveways.


BEACH & WATER SAFETY           Project: Memory book 

  1. Don’t go in deep water. Don't swim alone. Swim with a buddy. 

  2. Evanston beaches don't allow inflatables because they can take you into deep water.

  3. Always swim with a buddy or an adult.                                                       

  4. Don’t splash someone in the eyes. Don’t throw sand.

  5. Listen to the lifeguard. Listen for the whistle. Be calm if the lifeguard is trying to help you.

  6. Don’t push in the water or dunk; you can lose your balance. If someone is bothering you,  say "Stop" and move away.

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